But he bent over and wrote on the ground with
his finger. As they stood there asking him questions, he straighten himself up
and said to them, “whoever one of you has not committed no sin may throw the
first stone at her”. Then he bent over again and wrote on the ground. When they
heard this, they all left one by one, the older ones first.
Jesus was left alone with the woman still
standing there. He straighten himself up and said to her, “Where are they? Is there
no one left to condemn you?
No one, Sir, she answered.
“Well, then, “Jesus said, “I do not condemn you
either. Go, but do not sin again.”
When pain and suffering, humiliation and fear takes us down into the deepest parts of the self, resurrection is only one thought away. Sr. Joan Chittister, O.S.B.
After the argument about his divinity, and
trying to explain: Lord Jesus you know everything. You are patient, there was
no hatred in your heart, and you went to Mount Olives to pray. It’s like all night you were in communion with
Caught in the act of adultery: The teachers and
Pharisees were out to set a trap for Jesus, they called him “Teacher” did they really
accept him as teacher? Can you imagine the woman humiliation? Can you imagine
her state of mind? Did anyone bother to know why she committed the sin? They
who condemned her, are they sinless? Yet they are out to commit murder. What
would have remained of her, if Christ did not intervened? The Law of Moses they
claimed to obey how sincere are they? So many questions, my brothers and
sisters you could join me in asking.
I pray that I will not be a hypocrite, God of mercy direct my
actions. Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for
your mercy, your patience and love.
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