“I can do nothing of my own authority. I judge
only as God tells me, so my judgment is right, because I am
not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants.
John the Burning and
Shining Lamp
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The Father’s Testimony
I am not looking for human praise. But I know
what kind of people you are, and I know that you have no love for God in your
hearts. 43I have come with my Father’s
authority, but you do not try to win praise from the one who alone is God; how,
then, can you believe me?
45Do not
think, however, that I am the one who will accuse you to my Father. Moses, in
whom you have put your hope, is the very one who will accuse you. If you had
really believed Moses, you would have believed me, because he wrote about me.
But since you do not believe what he wrote, how can you believe what I say?” John 5:30-46
Jesus Christ, I must be motivated by love of you to enable me understand your
word. Give me the promised advocate the
Holy Spirit to enable me grasps your word. This is you truly speaking and
testifying about your authority as the Son of God. One can only speak of what one knows. You are God’s word made flesh, and dwell
among us. Direct my heart to love you the way I ought. H.G.
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