Monday, 7 September 2020


 JOHN 13:31-35 
Jesus Story #76 Jesus Predicts His Death by The Story of Jesus Life for  Children • A podcast on AnchorFoundations of My Faith: Jesus Foretells His Death a Third TimeAfter Judas had left, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man’s glory is revealed; now God’s glory is revealed through him. And it God’s glory is revealed through him, then God will reveal the glory of the Son of Man in himself, and he will do so at once. My children, I shall not be with you very much longer. You will look for me; but I tell you now what I told the Jewish authorities, ‘You cannot go where I am going.’ And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.”

Father in Heaven, I thank you for your great mercy in sending your Son Jesus Christ. By His sacrifice on the cross, he gave himself a ransom for my sin. He gave himself to save me from the power of evil, and from destruction. Help me Lord Jesus Christ to live a life of sacrifice and love for my fellow being. 

Sunday, 6 September 2020


 JOHN 13:21-30
 After Jesus had said this, he was deeply troubled and declared openly, “I am telling you the truth: one of you is going to betray me.”

Ask for Forgiveness - John 13: 21-30 - Sharing the GospelThe disciples looked at one another, completely puzzled about whom he meant.  One of the disciples, the one whom Jesus loved, was sitting next to Jesus.  Simon Peter mentioned to him and said, “Ask him whom he is talking about.”

John, the Disciple Whom Jesus LovedSo that disciple moved closer to Jesus’ side and asked, “Who is it, Lord.” Jesus answered, “I will dip some bread in the sauce and give it to him; he is the man.” So he took a piece of bread, dipped it, and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered him.  Jesus said to him; “Be quick about what you are doing!”  None of the others at the table understood why Jesus said this to him. Since Judas was in charge of the money bag, some of the disciples thought that Jesus had told him to go and by what they needed for the festival, or to give something to the poor.
What else do we know about Judas? 
Judas accepted the bread and went out at once. It was night.

Matt. 26:20-25, Mark 14:17-21, Luke 22:21-23

Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing me with talents.  Be with me each always. Help me use your gifts to serve my brothers and sisters, and to build your kingdom. It is easy to condemn Judas' action. Lord, how often have I betrayed you when I do not obey your words? When I do not treat my brothers and sisters the way I want to be treated. Help me Lord to follow your steps. Give me a loving and forgiving heart like yours.

The One Who Baptise